Tailwind CSS Select - React

Use our Tailwind CSS Select component to collect user provided information from a list of options.

A Select component is a dropdown menu for displaying choices. Use the radio component when there are fewer total options (less than 5).

See below our Select component example that you can use in your Tailwind CSS and React project. The example comes in different colors and styles, so you can adapt it easily to your needs.

import { Select, Option } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function SelectDefault() {
  return (
    <div className="w-72">
      <Select label="Select Version">
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>

Select Variants

The Select component comes with 3 different variants that you can change it using the variant prop.

import { Select, Option } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function SelectVariants() {
  return (
    <div className="flex w-72 flex-col gap-6">
      <Select variant="static" label="Select Version">
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>
      <Select variant="standard" label="Select Version">
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>
      <Select variant="outlined" label="Select Version">
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>

Select Sizes

The Select component comes with 2 different sizes that you can change it using the size prop.

import { Select, Option } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function SelectSizes() {
  return (
    <div className="flex w-72 flex-col gap-6">
      <Select size="md" label="Select Version">
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>
      <Select size="lg" label="Select Version">
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>

Select Colors

The Select component comes with 19 different colors that you can change it using the color prop.

import { Select, Option } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function SelectColors() {
  return (
    <div className="flex w-72 flex-col gap-6">
      <Select color="blue" label="Select Version">
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>
      <Select color="purple" label="Select Version">
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>
      <Select color="teal" label="Select Version">
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>

Select Validations

The Select component comes with error and success states for performing validations.

import { Select, Option } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function SelectValidations() {
  return (
    <div className="flex w-72 flex-col gap-6">
      <Select label="Select Version" error>
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>
      <Select label="Select Version" success>
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>

Controlled Select

You can make the Select component to be controlled using the value and onChange props.

import React from "react";
import { Select, Option } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function ControlledSelect() {
  const [value, setValue] = React.useState("react");
  return (
    <div className="w-72">
        label="Select Version"
        onChange={(val) => setValue(val)}
        <Option value="html">Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option value="react">Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option value="vue">Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option value="angular">Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option value="svelte">Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>

Select Custom Animation

You can modify the open/close state animation for Select component using the animate prop.

import { Select, Option } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function SelectCustomAnimation() {
  return (
    <div className="w-72">
        label="Select Version"
          mount: { y: 0 },
          unmount: { y: 25 },
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>

Select Disabled

A Select could be disabled as well, it will help you to prevent user interactions like click or focus over the Select component.

import { Select, Option } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function SelectDisabled() {
  return (
    <div className="w-72">
      <Select label="Select Version" disabled>
        <Option>Material Tailwind HTML</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind React</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Vue</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Angular</Option>
        <Option>Material Tailwind Svelte</Option>

Countries Select

See the example below to see how you can create a Select component with a list of countries.

This example is using use-react-countries make sure you have installed it.

npm i use-react-countries

import React from "react";
import { useCountries } from "use-react-countries";
import { Select, Option } from "@material-tailwind/react";
export function CountriesSelect() {
  const { countries } = useCountries();
  return (
    <div className="w-72">
        label="Select Country"
        selected={(element) =>
          element &&
          React.cloneElement(element, {
            disabled: true,
              "flex items-center opacity-100 px-0 gap-2 pointer-events-none",
        {countries.map(({ name, flags }) => (
          <Option key={name} value={name} className="flex items-center gap-2">
              className="h-5 w-5 rounded-full object-cover"

Select Props

The following props are available for select component. These are the custom props that we've added for the select component and you can use all the other native props as well.

variantVariantChange select variantoutlined
sizeSizeChange select sizemd
colorColorChange select colorgray
labelstringAdd label for select''
errorbooleanChange select state to errorfalse
successbooleanChange select state to successfalse
arrownodeChange select arrow iconundefined
valuestringChange selected value for selectundefined
onChangefunctionReturn selected value when select value changedundefined
selectedfunctionReturn selected element and it's indexundefined
offsetOffsetChange select menu offset from it's input5
dismissDismissChange dismiss listeners when clicking outsideundefined
animateAnimateChange select menu animationundefined
lockScrollbooleanLock page scrolling when select menu is openedfalse
containerPropsobjectAdd custom props for select containerundefined
labelPropsobjectAdd custom props for select labelundefined
menuPropsobjectAdd custom props for select menuundefined
disabledbooleanDisable selectfalse
namestringAdd name for selectfalse
classNamestringAdd custom className for select''
childrennodeAdd content for selectNo default value it's a required prop.

For TypeScript Only

import type { SelectProps } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Select Option Props

The following props are available for select option component. These are the custom props that we've added for the select option component and you can use all the other native props as well.

valuestringAdd select option value, it works together with value props of selectundefined
indexnumberAdd select option valueundefined
disabledbooleanDisable select optionfalse
classNamestringAdd custom className for select option''
childrennodeAdd content for select optionNo default value it's a required prop.

For TypeScript Only

import type { SelectOptionProps } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Types - Variant

type variant = "standard" | "outlined" | "static";

Types - Size

type size = "md" | "lg";

Types - Color

type color =
  | "blue-gray"
  | "gray"
  | "brown"
  | "deep-orange"
  | "orange"
  | "amber"
  | "yellow"
  | "lime"
  | "light-green"
  | "green"
  | "teal"
  | "cyan"
  | "light-blue"
  | "blue"
  | "indigo"
  | "deep-purple"
  | "purple"
  | "pink"
  | "red";

Types - Offset

type offset =
  | number
  | {
      mainAxis?: number;
      crossAxis?: number;
      alignmentAxis?: number | null;

Types - Dismiss

type dismissType = {
  enabled?: boolean;
  escapeKey?: boolean;
  referencePress?: boolean;
  referencePressEvent?: 'pointerdown' | 'mousedown' | 'click';
  outsidePress?: boolean | ((event: MouseEvent) => boolean);
  outsidePressEvent?: 'pointerdown' | 'mousedown' | 'click';
  ancestorScroll?: boolean;
  bubbles?: boolean | {
      escapeKey?: boolean;
      outsidePress?: boolean;

Types - Animate

type animate = {
  mount?: object;
  unmount?: object;

Select Theme

Learn how to customize the theme and styles for select components, the theme object for select components has three main objects:

A. The defaultProps object for setting up the default value for props of select components.
B. The valid object for customizing the valid values for select components props.
C. The styles object for customizing the theme and styles of select components.

You can customize the theme and styles of select components by adding Tailwind CSS classes as key paired values for objects.

Select Theme Object Type

Variant of Select component theme has a specific type of Select Variant Styles Type

interface SelectStylesType {
  defaultProps: {
    variant: string;
    color: string;
    size: string;
    label: string;
    error: boolean;
    success: boolean;
    arrow: node;
    value: string;
    onChange: func;
    selected: func;
      | number
      | {
          mainAxis: number;
          crossAxis: number;
          alignmentAxis: number;
    dismiss: {
      enabled: boolean;
      escapeKey: boolean;
      referencePress: boolean;
      referencePressEvent: 'pointerdown' | 'mousedown' | 'click';
      outsidePress: boolean | ((event: MouseEvent) => boolean);
      outsidePressEvent: 'pointerdown' | 'mousedown' | 'click';
      ancestorScroll: boolean;
      bubbles: boolean | {
          escapeKey: boolean;
          outsidePress: boolean;
    animate: {
      mount: object;
      unmount: object;
    autoHeight: boolean;
    lockScroll: boolean;
    labelProps: object;
    menuProps: boolean;
    className: string;
    disabled: boolean;
  valid: {
    variants: string[];
    sizes: string[];
    colors: string[];
  styles: {
    base: {
      container: object;
      select: object;
      arrow: {
        initial: object;
        active: object;
      label: object;
      menu: object;
      option: {
        initial: object;
        active: object;
        disabled: object;
    variants: {
      outlined: SelectVariantStylesType;
      standard: SelectVariantStylesType;
      static: SelectVariantStylesType;

For TypeScript Only

import type { SelectStylesType } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Theme Object Type - Select Variant

Select variant object type contains three specific types of Select Size Styles Type, Select States Styles Type and Select State Styles Type

interface SelectVariantStylesType {
  base: {
    select: object;
    label: object;
  sizes: {
    md: SelectSizeStylesType;
    lg: SelectSizeStylesType;
  colors: {
    select: object;
    label: object;
  states: SelectStatesStylesType;
  error: SelectStateStylesType;
  success: SelectStateStylesType;

For TypeScript Only

import type { SelectVariantStylesType } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Theme Object Type - Select Size

interface SelectSizeStylesType {
  container: object;
  select: object;
  label: {
    initial: object;
    states: {
      close: object;
      open: object;
      withValue: object;

For TypeScript Only

import type { SelectSizeStylesType } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Theme Object Type - Select States

interface SelectStatesStylesType {
  close: {
    select: object;
    label: object;
  open: {
    select: object;
    label: object;
  withValue: {
    select: object;
    label: object;

For TypeScript Only

import type { SelectStatesStylesType } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Theme Object Type - Select State

interface SelectStateStylesType {
  select: {
    initial: object;
    states: {
      close: object;
      open: object;
      withValue: object;
  label: {
    initial: object;
    states: {
      close: object;
      open: object;
      withValue: object;

For TypeScript Only

import type { SelectStateStylesType } from "@material-tailwind/react";

Select Theme Customization

const theme = {
  select: {
    defaultProps: {
      variant: "outlined",
      color: "blue",
      size: "md",
      label: "",
      error: false,
      success: false,
      arrow: undefined,
      value: undefined,
      onChange: undefined,
      selected: undefined,
      offset: 5,
      dismiss: {},
      animate: {
        unmount: {},
        mount: {},
      autoHeight: false,
      lockScroll: false,
      labelProps: {},
      menuProps: {},
      className: "",
      disabled: false,
      containerProps: undefined,
    valid: {
      variants: ["standard", "outlined", "static"],
      sizes: ["md", "lg"],
      colors: [
    styles: {
      base: {
        container: {
          position: "relative",
          width: "w-full",
          minWidth: "min-w-[200px]",
        select: {
          peer: "peer",
          width: "w-full",
          height: "h-full",
          bg: "bg-transparent",
          color: "text-blue-gray-700",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontWeight: "font-normal",
          textAlign: "text-left",
          outline: "outline outline-0 focus:outline-0",
          disabled: "disabled:bg-blue-gray-50 disabled:border-0",
          transition: "transition-all",
        arrow: {
          initial: {
            display: "grid",
            placeItems: "place-items-center",
            position: "absolute",
            top: "top-2/4",
            right: "right-2",
            pt: "pt-px",
            width: "w-5",
            height: "h-5",
            color: "text-blue-gray-400",
            transform: "rotate-0 -translate-y-2/4",
            transition: "transition-all",
          active: {
            transform: "rotate-180",
            mt: "mt-px",
        label: {
          display: "flex",
          width: "w-full",
          height: "h-full",
          userSelect: "select-none",
          pointerEvents: "pointer-events-none",
          position: "absolute",
          left: "left-0",
          fontWeight: "font-normal",
          transition: "transition-all",
        menu: {
          width: "w-full",
          maxHeight: "max-h-96",
          bg: "bg-white",
          p: "p-3",
          border: "border border-blue-gray-50",
          borderRadius: "rounded-md",
          boxShadow: "shadow-lg shadow-blue-gray-500/10",
          fontFamily: "font-sans",
          fontSize: "text-sm",
          fontWeight: "font-normal",
          color: "text-blue-gray-500",
          overflow: "overflow-auto",
          outline: "focus:outline-none",
        option: {
          initial: {
            pt: "pt-[9px]",
            pb: "pb-2",
            px: "px-3",
            borderRadius: "rounded-md",
            lightHeight: "leading-tight",
            cursor: "cursor-pointer",
            userSelect: "select-none",
            background: "hover:bg-blue-gray-50 focus:bg-blue-gray-50",
            opacity: "hover:bg-opacity-80 focus:bg-opacity-80",
            color: "hover:text-blue-gray-900 focus:text-blue-gray-900",
            outline: "outline outline-0",
            transition: "transition-all",
          active: {
            bg: "bg-blue-gray-50 bg-opacity-80",
            color: "text-blue-gray-900",
          disabled: {
            opacity: "opacity-50",
            cursor: "cursor-not-allowed",
            userSelect: "select-none",
            pointerEvents: "pointer-events-none",
      variants: {
        outlined: {
          base: {
            select: {},
            label: {
              position: "-top-1.5",
              before: {
                content: "before:content[' ']",
                display: "before:block",
                boxSizing: "before:box-border",
                width: "before:w-2.5",
                height: "before:h-1.5",
                mt: "before:mt-[6.5px]",
                mr: "before:mr-1",
                borderRadius: "before:rounded-tl-md",
                pointerEvents: "before:pointer-events-none",
                transition: "before:transition-all",
                disabled: "peer-disabled:before:border-transparent",
              after: {
                content: "after:content[' ']",
                display: "after:block",
                flexGrow: "after:flex-grow",
                boxSizing: "after:box-border",
                width: "after:w-2.5",
                height: "after:h-1.5",
                mt: "after:mt-[6.5px]",
                ml: "after:ml-1",
                borderRadius: "after:rounded-tr-md",
                pointerEvents: "after:pointer-events-none",
                transition: "after:transition-all",
                disabled: "peer-disabled:after:border-transparent",
          sizes: {
            md: {
              container: {
                height: "h-10",
              select: {
                fontSize: "text-sm",
                px: "px-3",
                py: "py-2.5",
                borderRadius: "rounded-[7px]",
              label: {
                initial: {},
                states: {
                  close: {
                    lineHeight: "leading-[3.75]",
                  open: {
                    lineHeight: "leading-tight",
                  withValue: {
                    lineHeight: "leading-tight",
            lg: {
              container: {
                height: "h-11",
              select: {
                fontSize: "text-sm",
                px: "px-3",
                py: "py-3",
                borderRadius: "rounded-[7px]",
              label: {
                initial: {},
                states: {
                  close: {
                    lineHeight: "leading-[4.1]",
                  open: {
                    lineHeight: "leading-tight",
                  withValue: {
                    lineHeight: "leading-tight",
          colors: {
            select: {
              "blue-gray": {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              gray: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-gray-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              brown: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-brown-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              "deep-orange": {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-deep-orange-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              orange: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-orange-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              amber: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-amber-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              yellow: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-yellow-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              lime: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-lime-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              "light-green": {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-light-green-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              green: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-green-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              teal: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-teal-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              cyan: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-cyan-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              "light-blue": {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-light-blue-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              blue: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              indigo: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-indigo-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              "deep-purple": {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-deep-purple-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              purple: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-purple-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              pink: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-pink-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
              red: {
                close: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                open: {
                  borderColor: "border-red-500",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
                withValue: {
                  borderColor: "border-blue-gray-200",
                  borderTopColor: "border-t-transparent",
            label: {
              "blue-gray": {
                close: {
                  color: "text-blue-gray-400",
                  before: "before:border-transparent",
                  after: "after:border-transparent",
                open: {
                  color: "text-blue-gray-500",
                  before: "before:border-blue-gray-500",
                  after: "after:border-blue-gray-500",
                withValue: {
                  color: "text-blue-gray-400",
                  before: "before:border-blue-gray-200",
                  after: "after:border-blue-gray-200",
              gray: {
                close: {
                  color: "text-blue-gray-400",
                  before: "before:border-transparent",
                  after: "after:border-transparent",
                open: {
                  color: "text-gray-500",
                  before: "before:border-gray-500",
                  after: "after:border-gray-500",
                withValue: {
                  color: "text-blue-gray-400",
                  before: "before:border-blue-gray-200",
                  after: "after:border-blue-gray-200",
              brown: {
                close: {
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Explore More Tailwind CSS Examples

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